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Since 1973, Redi-Gril products have been a stalwart in most restaurants and top fast food chains as the grill scraper of choice. Safe, efficient, easy to use, and easy clean up, Redi-Gril products have earned a respected reputation. Virtually indestructible, the handle to our blade is perfectly positioned for cleaning a flat top grill. Although there are replicas, nothing beats Redi-Gril.​

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Redi-Gril introduces our modified Mini Head Heavy Duty Grill Scraper!

Our modified mini head (4.5") heavy duty scraper is perfect for smaller spaces, but delivers the safety and ease of a longer handle scraper. The stainless steel blade can stand up to any grill cleaning task, scraping but not scoring the grill. Easy to use and wash, our mini head Heavy Duty handle is perfect for food trucks, portable kitchens, and small grills.

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Redi-Gril Grill Scrapers by Redi-Gril, LLC